Sunday, November 22, 2009

A FIlipino named CNN Hero of the Year


Our kababayan was chosen to be CNN's Hero of the year.  He is Efren PeƱaflorida.  Follow the link below to watch his speech.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

" litteratura "

Yes.  What?! 

You don't know what literratura means?  It's very obvious! 

You see the newspaper recently?  How about the newly-published comic book?  Or the latest release of Bob Ong? 

What?!  You still don't get it?  Let me say it this way. 

Well, litteratura is literature.  It deals with written forms of art. 


Yes, literature is also an art.  Your feelings are into it.  It is your form of expression.  It can be your way to relate to other's feelings.  You created a masterpiece not just for yourself, but you created it because you want the world to know what you feel about a certain thing.  Just like the newspaper or a comic book that i mentioned a while ago.  It was not created for "personal" use of the author, but for everyone who seeks happiness or yearns for fresh news happening around them. 

Well, that's it!  You now know what I mean of literature.

You get it?  Very good!

It's nice to hear from you.  That's all for now.

I will surely come back.. bye!